Natural Soothers for Everyday Ailments

Our bodies are constantly reacting and fluctuating depending on what our mood is, what we ate, and what’s stressing us out. Having a body that’s out of whack is annoying, and sometimes downright uncomfortable. For life’s little ailments, sometimes all you need is as close as your kitchen. Want to try a more natural approach than popping a painkiller? Here’s some suggestions that have worked for me for the next time you face these irritations.

Your stomach is upset

It may seem counterintuitive to eat something when your stomach is riled up, but certain foods are excellent at soothing common tummy troubles.

If it’s heartburn or indigestion that’s bugging you, reach for ginger or papaya. Ginger has been used throughout history as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory root, and has been studied for its use for nausea and vomiting. Papayas contains papain and chymopapain that aid digestion.

If you’ve overindulged in rich or salty foods, or your hormones are bloating you up, turn to hydrating pineapple and watermelon. This is my go-to snack in these cases, and I usually notice a change overnight after a big bowl of either.

You can’t sleep

With constant notifications and to-do lists, sometimes feeling relaxed and ready for sleep, even when it’s 11 pm, can seem far off. Instead of reaching for a sleep aid, there are a few natural alternatives that are soothing, and won’t leave you with a groggy Zzquil hangover the next day.

Packed with a host of healing properties, a warm cup of chamomile tea is one of the easiest ways to relax and slip into a peaceful sleep. Aside from what’s actually in chamomile, preparing and drinking tea each night creates a routine that the brain corresponds with winding down and sleep.

If it’s tension that’s keeping you awake, talk with your healthcare provider about increasing your magnesium intake. The mineral is used for many things, but has benefits for relaxing muscles and calming the mind.

You Have a Splitting Headache

Headaches can stem from numerous things. While recurring or painful headaches should be seen by a doctor, those with roots of tension and stress can sometimes be calmed with things you may already have on hand.

First and foremost, if you get a sudden dull headache, drink a large glass of water. These are often caused by simple dehydration. If that doesn’t do the trick, nibble on a few squares of dark chocolate. The small amount of caffeine is what you might find in something like Excedrin.

On the flip side, sometimes headaches can clue you in on what you *shouldn’t* be eating. If you get a headache or foggy brain every time you eat certain foods, this could alert you to a food sensitivity to check in with your doctor on. Start keeping a journal and see if there’s a correlation you can find.

Next time you’ve got a post-pizza burn or can’t hit the hay, check your cabinets for one of these natural remedies and see how it might help you!

5 Quick and Easy Brainfood Breakfasts

When you have a full day of work/school/clown class or whatever ahead of you, a substantial breakfast can be the last thing on your mind. Our our mom’s have been telling us since we were 5 years old that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. True to motherly advice, this is really true. Sometimes it seems easy to grab a sugar filled granola bar, or a pastry from Starbucks, or nothing at all. However, a healthy breakfast kick starts your brain and keeps you from over indulging later, making for a happy and productive beginning to your day. Here are five great easy and balanced breakfasts for even the busiest student.

Overnight Oats


Image Source: Healthy Grocery Girl

This simple breakfast is ready in five minutes. All you need is some oats, almond milk (or milk of your choice), and some fruit. I also like to throw in some chia seeds, pecans or walnuts, a little pumpkin pie spice, and just a touch of honey. You can make jars of these ahead of time, and all you have to do is grab one out of the fridge on your way out the door!


Waffles with Nut Butter


Image Source: Mom on Timeout

Peanut butter and bananas have always been a great match. This pair atop a whole grain frozen waffle is filled with protein and the right kind of carbs to get the creative juices flowing in the morning. Peanuts aren’t your thing? Sub for almond or sunflower butters for an equally as tasty variation.


Make ahead Breakfast Sandwiches



Image Source: Simply Taralynn

It can be tempting to swoop up a breakfast sandwich at your local coffee shop on the way to campus for the day. However, these are often loaded with extra grease and salt, and aren’t easy on the wallet, either. Instead, you can make your own scrumptious version ahead of time, and freeze a whole batch. My favorite combo is a whole-wheat English muffin, turkey bacon, provolone cheese and some spinach. In just two 2 minutes, you’re ready to go in the morning. Whipping these up on a Sunday afternoon while listening to music or catching up on an episode of your favorite show is a great little study break, and you’ll have breakfast all week!

Green Smoothie


Image Source: A Simple Pantry

Sometimes in the early fall and spring mornings, a light chilled breakfast is a refreshing way to set your day into motion. I love playing with variations of the green smoothie. You can throw everything into a blender or magic bullet and have a portable breakfast to sip on the way to your first lecture. I like to start with a base of non-fat Greek yogurt or coconut milk, then add banana, spinach, kale, and flax seed. From there I’ll had a handful of blueberries, raspberries, or peach slices for some sweetness. Some recipes add avocado for extra creaminess. This drinkable breakfast is filled with fiber, vitamins, and enough protein to get you through your morning feeling satisfied and energized.

Avocado Toast


Image Source: Thoughts by Natalie

This breakfast option is extremely simple and versatile. All you need is some hearty whole grain toast and a ripe avocado, with endless possibilities to spice it up from there. My favorite combo is a piece of sprouted wheat bread, mashed avo, garlic salt, red pepper flakes, and a hard boiled egg for some extra added protein.


4 of the Best Healthy-Girl Hacks

I am a food lover. You’ll often catch me ogling various cuisine-focused Instagram accounts, and for me a tour of any city has to include an edible exploration, as well. But this, of course, can lead to trouble. While I typically lead a pretty nutritious life, I’ve had weeks with one too many happy hours, and my main men Ben and Jerry are always there after a stressful day.

It was after I spent a summer in Italy (and didn’t hold back one bit) eating every delicious thing in sight, that I felt for the first time that some “dieting” tools might be beneficial. I came back home with tons of memories, and a few lbs that took a lot of discipline to get me back where I wanted to be. While I still think moderation is the key to a happy and healthy figure and disposition, these are a few of the healthy-girl hacks that I picked up during that time, and that have stayed with me now years later.

Prep Your Stomach


So much of my cheating comes from social gatherings. I’ll show up to happy hour or a potluck thinking I’ll just get one drink, or a tiny snack, and end up eating everything in sight because it’s a “special occasion.” One tip that helped a lot with this was to eat a healthy substantial snack before going out. A plate of veggies and some hummus, turkey slices and whole wheat crackers, or a bowl of oatmeal will fill you up with healthy protein and fiber to ward off an lingering ideas of ordering the cheese board and finishing it by yourself.

Portion Control

This is not a revolutionary idea, but it’s one that is super easy to implement, and will lead to tangible change. After living with a dude for two years, I really started to realize that I was eating more than my body needed. I was serving myself near the same amount as him, not thinking about how I was almost a foot shorter, and 60 pounds lighter. Once I did some research on what an actual “serving size” for various foods really looked like, it was easy to fill my plate with the right amount of nourishment, and feel totally satisfied.

Fake Your Comfort Foods


Cutting out everything delicious that you love isn’t the right plan of attack. (I can never go 100% without bread, cheese, or dessert as many times as I try). When you withhold every indulgence, you’re more likely to binge later, sending you into a rollercoaster eating style, which is really unhealthy. One way to find a great balance is to utilize great substitutions for your favorite comfort foods. Healthy food doesn’t have to taste like dust. You’ll still get the all flavor, without all the extras. This way you can have all your faves with the same taste, and not feel guilty if you have a real deal treat every once in a while, too. Some great swaps include Greek Yogurt for mayo, apple sauce for butter in baking, or cottage cheese for sour cream. Check out a few of my comfort food fixes below!

Zucchini Lasagna – This comes from my favorite food blog with TONS of healthy recipes that still pack all the tastiness of the originals.

Lightened-Up Mac ‘n Cheese

Homemade Bagels

Single-Serving Mug Brownie

Be Accountable


One of the most helpful methods I’ve found for a well balanced diet is to keep a journal. Seeing exactly what you’re putting into your body laid out in front of you makes it way easier to comprehend. This exercise can also be helpful if you think you’re suffering from any food sensitivities. You can start to see correlations between various items and what might be rubbing you the wrong way when you journal your reactions. If you’re trying to lose weight, tracking your meals is almost necessary to figure out the basic calories consumed vs. calories burned equation. There are lots of great fitness and tracking apps out there (I use MyFitnessPal) that have huge databases for you to enter from, making it really easy. However, it’s important to not get obsessive about tracking every single calorie.

In general, I try to stay away from anything that is overtly diet-y. These are often quick fixes that won’t keep you feeling great long term. However, the different tactics above have helped me be balanced and aware. If you’re fueling your body with the right amount, swapping some comfort foods, and hold yourself accountable, it leaves room for you to indulge every once in a while and have a healthier relationship with food.